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Tropic Transformations: Charlotte’s Story: psoriasis warrior to skincare goddess

Heal Psoriasis: How Charlotte used Tropic Skincare products alongside her medication to heal her skin

There are lots of reasons that I love Tropic Skincare and their products. I think it’s fair to say that one of the biggest things that Tropic does for people is to transform their life.  Quite a bold statement, but when you speak to people who have used, work for or shared their love of Tropic there is so much positivity and passion for the brand and products. 

Tropic has changed the life of so many women, and even some men, who took the decision to build their own business as an Independent Tropic Ambassador. Not only has it helped many reach their financial goals, but also helped to boost confidence, empower them to develop their knowledge and sense of self and of course helped them to get glowing healthy skin! The same can be said for Tropic’s customers, who so often become hooked once they try the products. Tropic has helped to minimise and even banish blemishes and skin complaints as well as giving a broad spectrum of people confidence in their skin and who they are in general.

Not only that but Tropic does amazing work to completely negate their carbon foot print and in fact they have worked hard to be carbon negative, putting back far more than they use.  All ingredients are from sustainable and ethical sources and they are working hard to make all packaging recyclable by the end of 2021.  Tropic’s charitable causes are also enviable, working hard to empower young people through education in 3rd world countries in partnership with United World Schools, with every order made contributing to the fundraising efforts by funding school days for children. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the good Tropic is doing in the world.

So on that note, in order share Tropic and their amazingness, I decided to start sharing the stories of fellow ambassadors, customers, beneficiaries and advocates of the brand to highlight how this amazing company and it’s inspiring CEO, Susie Ma, are changing the face of the beauty industry, one natural product at a time.

Charlotte’s Tropic Transformation

This weeks Tropic Transformation story is truly inspirational and completely embodies what Tropic stands for and why Susie created her product and business opportunity. Charlotte Merrett is a successful, confident and inspirational Independent Tropic Manager, running her own team and smashing her business goals while sharing her love of the Tropic products. On interviewing her, her passion for the products is clear, but she states that make up and skincare were once far from her comfort zone, she had always left the beauty products to her sister. She chuckles as she describes how now she is the one giving out beauty and skincare advice to her sister and the rest of her family!

If you had the pleasure of meeting Charlotte now, you would see a bubbly, funny confident woman with radiant clear skin, but unbelievably this hasn’t always been the case. During a Tropic Team training call, Charlotte showed her true bravery and shared her story on how she found Tropic and there definitely wasn’t a dry eye on the zoom call. 

Charlotte has been battling various forms of psoriasis all over her body since the age of 12. After a period of bullying, that at the time she kept to herself, on top of the stress of the SATs exams and transitioning from junior to high school. Charlotte found her body showing the strain in the form of psoriasis, a skin condition that causes red, flaky and sore patches of skin. It can effect individuals differently and although it is commonly referred to as psoriasis, there are many different forms. For some psoriasis is minimal and a minor irritation that appears over small areas of the body. For some, including Charlotte, it can cover a huge percentage of the body, causing limitations to everyday life, making it hard to do everyday things due to pain and discomfort as well as the potential of dealing with side effects from medications. It can also be hugely damaging to a persons mental health and confidence due the effect it has on their appearance.

She chuckles as she describes how now she is the one giving out beauty and skincare advice to her sister and the rest of her family!

Her first instance of psoriasis was dry flaky skin all over the body, but over the years it has evolved into a lot more complex versions of the condition, including a very sever flare up combined with heat rash that can be life threatening. Over the years Charlotte has been backwards and forwards to the Dr., consultants at the hospital and tried lots of different medications.  She started mainly with topical creams and steroids which helped to keep the condition at bay, but it would flare up on and off due to stress, causing lots of soreness and discomfort.  Charlotte described how she vividly remembers being at school and having to sit on different chairs to feel comfortable enough to do her work.

Her condition ramped up a gear when 18 year old Charlotte and a friend experienced a traumatic event on what should have been a a fun night out for a friends birthday. The trauma and stress of her experience made her psoriasis flare up within hours and she was covered head to toe. This is when Charlotte moved to tablets to bring the flare under control. They worked for a while, but eventually just weren’t keeping the condition controlled. She then tried various other different medications which all brought their own side effects, including one that she had a bad allergic reaction to causing a rash on top of her already sore psoriasis patches. 

After a short period of being able to withdraw from her medication, the month before her 20th birthday the psoriasis got really bad. It went from bad to unbearable really quickly, it was so bad it would cause her skin to sweat and then dry and crack.  She took these unbelievable pictures of how it was effecting her from top to toe. She relived to me how she was having to wear leggings and baggy clothing and  was not even able to wear a bra at work in order to be slightly comfortable. Luckily her managers were really understanding.  At the same time, Charlotte was in a fairly new relationship with her now fiancé and had to mock confidence even though she felt awful.  She described to me how hard it was for her and her partner in the start of their relationship as she felt so bad about her condition and so unconfident in the way she looked. Plus, all of the Dr.s appointments and new medications. Luckily her boyfriend was always so supportive and never let the psoriasis get in the way of his feelings and relationship with Charlotte, continuously reminding her how beautiful she is, regardless of her skin condition. Definitely a keeper! 

Although her skin had healed almost entirely, Charlotte was left with some scarring over her body as well as some remaining patches of psoriasis on her scalp.

After trying all of the options and still not being able to find a longterm solution to rid her of psoriasis, she was finally allowed to move onto another medication that is quite expensive and also strong, so she had to try all the options to prove they were not effective in her case before being approved for this drug.  The new meds were administered by injections and helped to suppress her immune system.  Psoriasis is the result of the immune system attacking itself, so suppressing the immune system stops the attack response and clears up the symptoms of psoriasis.  The new meds do come with some cons, including being more vulnerable to illness due to the suppressed immune system. Thankfully it worked and Charlotte got the breakthrough in helping her condition she needed. Her skin finally started to clear and heal. She still has to take the injections to keep her condition under control and has regular blood tests to check her kidney and liver function.

In Oct 2019 Charlotte was invited to a Tropic Skincare Pamper party and attended along with her Mum. Her Mum suggested that she try using some of the Tropic hair care products to sooth and heal her scalp. Although her skin had healed almost entirely, Charlotte was left with some scarring over her body as well as some remaining patches of psoriasis on her scalp. She also decided to buy the Skincare Discovery Kit to try. Charlotte was wowed by Tropic and their products and spoke with the party Ambassador, Francesca, about the opportunity that Tropic offers people who sign up to become Ambassadors. 

A few weeks after, her Mum had her own Tropic pamper party booked, so Charlotte got to speak again with Francesca about becoming an ambassador and she was invited to a Tropic Roadshow to find out more and experience the amazing brand for herself.  But she just couldn’t wait and after getting quite tipsy on that evening she decided to sign up there and then! Charlotte is a self-confessed non girly girl, but she was so impressed with the skincare and her skin felt so soft and healthy for the first time in ages she decided to just give it a go and start sharing it with others. 

She also decided to start using more of the products and added Elixir to her routine which is amazing for regenerating the skin and minimising scaring, as well as the Tropic Tamanu Balm, again this is great for healing the skin and to help with scaring too. Interestingly she discovered this wasn’t her first use of Tamanu balm; when she moved house recently she actually found an old Tamanu balm that her Mum had bought for her years ago, so maybe Tropic was always meant to be her future!? The combination of Elixir and Tamanu were great for healing Charlottes skin and they didn’t just reduce the scaring, they eliminated any scars altogether leaving her with clear, baby soft skin. 

Delighted with the effect Tropic has had on her life in so many ways, sharing her love of the products definitely comes naturally. Needless to say she was absolutely hooked and would talk about the products with everyone she could, so it was only natural that she would be a successful Ambassador. Charlotte absolutely loves sharing the products with others and gets such a buzz out of helping someone with skin complaints, skin conditions or just helping them to get nourished, healthy skin. As someone who has experienced damaged skin and battled a skin condition, she says it feels amazing to know you have helped someone else to find happiness and confidence in their own skin. It’s also amazing to support some of those customers who decide to become an ambassador to be empowered to share the Tropic love and meet their personal goals with their business.

Delighted with the effect Tropic has had on her life in so many ways, sharing her love of the products definitely comes naturally.

Understandably, Charlotte gets quite emotional when discussing her skin condition at its worst. When she went through it, while at times it got her down, she described how it was really her mum and sister and family around her who would get upset and worry about her and everything she was going through. It’s only now looking back that she realises how tough it was to go through and just how brave she had to be to get through it. And wow what a journey she has been on and to come out of it so strong. Charlotte definitely credits the Tropic products as being a huge part of recovery from her condition and hopes that her story can inspire others going through similar problems with their skin.

Charlottes Top 3 Products

  1. Elixir – it has been amazing with healing her skin and taking away her scaring.  She also uses it on her scalp overnight as an intense treatment
  2. Super Greens Serum – A heathy green shot for the skin, Super Greens feeds the skin with nutrients and has been great for helping Charlotte keep her skin clear and glowing
  3. Hair massager – the Hair Cleanser used alongside the silicon hair massager is great way to sooth the scalp, clear away dirt, oils and dry skin. It also brings the blood to the surface of the scalp helping to promote healthy hair growth

If you would like help with a specific skin complaint or to get recommendations for your skincare routine then I can offer help via email or zoom consultation. If you are local to me I can also offer a face-to-face 1-to-1 or you can host a pamper party. If you want to start your own skincare business, you can also book a call with me to find out more, there is no obligation to join, just a informal chat to tell you more about the business and answer any questions you may have. You can contact me via email on or DM me on Instagram @thebotanicalbeautymum or find me on Facebook @thebotanicalbeautymum.

Have you had your own Tropic Transformation? Whether it be the products, the Ambassador Opportunity or you have been a beneficiary of the brand, I would love to hear and share your story to keep spreading the #TropicLove



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